Perfume bottles as jewellery is now trending!
Recent years have seen the development of perfume bottles to something more than mere packaging for olfactory orgasms. With perfume bottles and labelling now reflecting a name, a brand, and personality, perfume bottles now double up as a style statement as well. Designing on perfume bottles is a mass field of research in itself now. Such are the aesthetics of perfume packaging today that there are museums dedicated to its showcasing, there are collectors of perfume bottles as pieces of interest and intrigue, and there are them selling, buying and wearing perfume bottle incorporated jewellery. Yes, jewellery. Perfume bottle jewellery has been finding wide acclaim in the recent years. The most popular of them being necklaces which employ a tiny, ornate perfume vial as locket. These pendants maybe vintage, of glass or metal.
Other popular piece of jewellery employing perfume bottles are earrings. The most popular of them being earrings crafted out of metal and mostly in the colour silver. But one needs to credit the popularity of these jewellery to the manufacturers of perfume bottles. Bottle suppliers for perfumes combine aesthetics with functionality. The association of perfumes with luxury assure a lot of attention to caps, pumps and collars for perfume bottle. Perfume bottles, especially vintage ones and hand crafted ones have to it grace and charm paralleled by no other pendants. Its difference and out-of-the-box sense of style and fashion make them a real innovation in the field of jewellery. With perfume bottles, one could never go out-of-style either!