Why transparent perfume bottles are of high demand?
The perception of perfumes as a symbol of luxury plays a decisive role in its packaging. Often regarded as a status symbol associated with class and style, it features amongst valuable gifts due to its long life span. With the advent of advertising and online markets, the look or ambience the product finally gives away became of prime importance. It was important to appetize the customer visually and persuade them to buy the product.
Perfume makers now had to find manufacturers of perfume bottles who could give the packaging a personality reflective of the perfume. Stickers for perfumes are designed now with immense care and precision; bottle suppliers for perfumes are constantly trying new styles and designs; choice of pumps for perfume bottles is made with clinical precision; perfume packaging is no longer a simple task. With the increasing fascination for perfumes as gifts, symbols of luxury, and objects of aesthetic value, the transparent perfume bottles have a firm demand. Mostly, these bottles are made of glass, crystal or plastic. Glass and crystal sparkle in light rendering the bottle and the perfume an ethereal touch. Also, transparency stands as proof for undeniable purity of scent and hence trust. Glass and crystal is as pretty as it is tough and durable. The ability to judge the amount of perfume remaining within is also a huge perk. The most important aspect of packaging today is whether the buyer can recollect it after a while. Transparent perfume bottles ensure your perfume is never forgotten.