The mystic history of perfume bottles
The history of perfume packaging can be traced back to 400-500 BC when they were distributed through core-formed glass vessels. This process of making perfume vessels was time-consuming and tedious and hence these came highly priced making perfumes a luxury that could be afforded by only the elites. With the industrial revolution in 1800, the process of glass vessel making became simpler and less costly. However, the golden age for perfume bottles was between 1920s and 1930s.
This golden age owes it all to the French glass maker Rene Lalique. He designed designs, labels, and bottles for numerous companies like Francois Coty. In the period, there were approximately 400 perfume bottle makers in France. This number has come down drastically since. The transition from hand-cut stoppers to mechanically made caps for perfume bottles in the 1970s helped fasten and cut costs on the process. The cost of perfumes has come down drastically since. The decisive factor of perfume cost all along was never merely perfume but also its packaging. Perfume packaging has been undergoing constant change through time. The packaging rendered perfumes as a luxury as much as perfumes itself. Like most Arabic countries, Dubai or UAE also is home to a rising demand for perfumes and perfume bottles. Global packaging, amongst the leading packaging companies in Dubai, ensures quality with superior style and strength. Couple this with knowledge of the changing trends and demands of the industry, making the company the go-to option for perfume bottles and caps in Dubai.